to the 2017 Board of Governors Meeting
Dear Governors,
When will we be able to transplant a 3D-printed heart? How will your grandchildren and future generations learn with personalized education? What is the role and influence of the media in the US today? How do Israel's new alliances in the Middle East change the game? These issues and many more will be discussed by global leaders and top scientists at our 2017 Board of Governors meeting.
In addition to being informed and contributing to the discussion, you will enjoy the many festivities we have planned for you: A sneak preview of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Israel National Center for Biodiversity Studies, before its opening in June, 2017; inaugurations of projects supported by some of the biggest donations in the University's history; and paying tribute to global leaders and extraordinary scholars at our honorary doctorate ceremony and at the Dan David Prize. We will dine together, dance and mix with fellow governors from around the world.
Be sure to register and book your hotel room now as there are an unprecedented number of festivals and events in Tel Aviv this May and hotels will soon be completely full.
Wishing us all a spring fresh with new ideas and discoveries, and a chag Pesach sameach to you and your families.
Click here for our website with the registration page, program and hotel information.
Warm regards,

Prof. Jacob A. Frenkel, Chairman of the Board of Governors

Prof. Joseph Klafter, President